Friday, 10 January 2014

Digipak Background Ideas

Big Gigantic
Big Gigantic is a musical group located in the US, which consists of a DJ combining electronic instruments alongside many others such as jazz, bass tones and hip-hop. The artist is similar to ours, we have a producer who is like a DJ, creating many diverse instrumentals with usually a featuring artist singing the vocals. Big Gigantic has two members specializing in different musical categories in which combining the two together allows them to create original music. All of their performances are done with high energy, similarly again to our artist SBTRKT. On left is my artist, and on the right is the band Big Gigantic.

These similarities are the reason why I have looked in to their album/digipak covers. I thought that they might have something interesting that I could inter prate to my own digipak. It is seen that on one of their albums called "Rise And Shine", they have an original mysterious background. I really liked the background as it looks eye catching and the high wild grey lines could represent the style of the music, as electronic is a genre of high tempo music. On every electronic digipak/album cover that I've seen, there's always something iconic on the front cover, whether it is a puzzling design or an image of the artist which is filtered in some way (e.g. double vision). I found a design which is similar to Big Gigantic's  "Rise And Shine". It is not identical but do share some concept within them. My one is a bit darker and is a mixture of grey and black whilst Big Gigantic's one is black and white. This design will be consistent throughout my ancillary work, both the digipak and the advertisement.

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