Saturday, 4 January 2014

Research ancillary work 2

For my second piece of research on digipaks and advertisements is going to be on an artist called Nero. Nero is a British electronic band in which analyzing their work may help me to gather information for my final ancillary piece. They are similar to the genre of my chosen song but they don't rely on one producer, they are a three member band who all sing vocals. Here below is a digipak on their latest album called "Welcome reality".

The design here shows two people standing above a ray of stars within the galaxy. This develops the idea of being in another world whilst listening to this type of music. The visuals here on the front page looks complex to create and requires art design skills which is not one of my specializes but nevertheless it is a brilliant eye catching image. Any electronic fan would instantly recognize the genre of this artist just by looking what the front cover looks like due to the ray of dark colors and space type design.
        The artist name or band is always the one that stands out from the rest of the others. The purpose of the digipak is to sell the artist in which is important also to catch the target audiences eye, so that they know instantly what they are buying. The font used for the band name should always be familiar on every advertising product since it acts like a logo so that their fans recognizes it easily.
      The name of the album "Welcome reality" is written up the top of the front cover, it has huge spaces in between to maybe insist that the album is "amongst the stars". This shows that everything that has been put in to this digipak has been thought about and not just randomly placed.
       The font used for the track list is appropriate as it is nothing bizarre, the audience can easily read it. The maximum type of font style presented on this digipak is 2. More than two will cause the digipak to look scruffy and unprofessional.
      The CD is basic and follows the color scheme of black. The color black is dominant on both the front/back covers and it mostly is in most electronic digipaks. The CD shows the band name and also reminds the audience what the album is called (Welcome reality).

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